Wednesday, April 21, 2010

have you know character our child?

All children are born with their own uniqueness. Nobody in this world who have the character or nature of the exact same. For that to know the character of rearing children is very important, because by knowing the character of the child, parents have an understanding of the advantages and limitations of the child, who certainly will affect the treatment to the child's parents. Is that character? Character is who we are, the basis of personality and character of a person. This affects how people view the world, what he believes and believes and how he feels, thinks and acts. These characters are inborn and therefore can be seen since childhood, although there may be an adult pergeresan behavior based on the learning process. For example Si B looks quiet because he is an introvert person who closed and less interested in social relationships with others. While Si A look friendly and jovial as he is an extrovert person who is open and has a high social interest. What good is knowing the character of the child? So that we do not force yourself to shape the character of the child as we think or want. Would not we familiar with the phrase: "why do you want to play outside ga? See the sun shining brightly and your friends are playing a bicycle. " Though the child is an introvert (but has not been able to explore his own feelings) feel more comfortable playing at home. But parents who are extroverts difficult to understand why the day was bright and lively child prefer to play at home. How do we understand the character of the child? Surely we must understand some of the characters beforehand. There are several theories about the character or temperament. But most often we with introverts and extroverts probably is. People seemed quiet and introverted tend to pull away from the environment. He did need more time for themselves and usually a lot of thinking before acting. Too much interaction with the outside world will suck energy, and to restore the energy they need time to themselves. Children who usually looks quiet introverted and less interested in having social interaction with other children, preferring solitary activities than rollicking. Having a few friends and less interested in increasing the number of friends unless forced. Usually they will look cool, do not care and like to play alone. People who extrovert looks open, enthusiastic and passionate in the face of almost every thing and really enjoy the interaction with others. They are usually verbally active, easy to start a conversation with others. Their energy will be exhausted if they are too long alone, and to restore their need to interact and do activities with the crowd. Children who will look vibrant extrovert, always cheerful and talked much about their activities (sometimes in detail!). They always want to leave the house to play with his friends and look confused when too long in silence at home. His friends are many and growing every day. Apart from the two characters in the unisex 4 sudh well-known temper. Namely sanguinis, Choleric, melancholic and plegmatis (Personality Plus, Florence Littauer, 1996). Sanguinis: Extroverts - talk - optimistic Choleric: Extroverts - do - optimistic Melancholy: Introvert - think - pessimistic Plegmatis: Introvert - observers - Children sanguinis pessimist will look playful, reassuring, pleasant and enthusiastic but could not look less serious and focus. Choleric child will look serious, purposeful, consistent and focused with what he wants, but rather regulate, bossy and will not budge. Melancholy child will look serious, diligent, good to all regularly scheduled or something, but sensitive, often moody, sometimes seen struggling with his own thoughts and do not like change. Plegmatis child will look calm, easy to make fun, easy to make friends but tend to be passive and can be seen as less and less eager to have the will

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

brain grow spurt

create the ideal home for the baby was one of the ways we are considering the brain grow and develop the baby, because the brain also requires nutrition. especially in the pregnancy to children aged 2 years in a golden period of growth as the brain, in addition to a critical period of growth brain.time This only happens for life and will not be repeated, then we must pay attention to proper nutrition Feed grow flowers brain since he was still a baby in the womb until after birth.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ideal home for our baby

Everyone certainly want to have an ideal home for the children, so they can grow naturally good physical, mental, and intellectual. of the preparation is absolute, even though sometimes hampered economic problems.
Many factors that affect a family in making a decision selecting a place to live, but in general the principle is the strategic location, the atmosphere comfortable, healthy environment and affordable prices,
Moreover, if we have a baby, because babies need very special attention so that growth does not interfere.
It's good to know our baby's development of step-by-step so that we can know what kind of place that he needs

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Early birth

prepare a house that is ideal for our baby for 9 months Once in the womb of Mother's warm and comfortable is important, because it will adapt to the outside world in the surrounding areas. Adjustment efforts can make a busy mother. Because, just like the baby, this stage becomes the introduction to her mother, one of a mother is rushing to provide milk for their children are for the baby is practicing basic movements or natural reflex such as the mother tried to hold the finger or try to suck something that mothers give to mouth
Development of the next train is the baby's eyes will be visible at first vague and indistinct, the mother will face clearly see it in the distance 20 - 25 cm from the eyes, this will take 3-6 months after the age of 8 weeks will be the eyes of adults
Seeing things like this about a baby who needs a place to stay light and air circulation is good, as well as clean, because the body adapt to new environment in the surrounding